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Measures to control personal injury of lifting equipment

In order to effectively control the personal injury of lifting equipment, the following measures should be taken to prevent:
1, strengthen the safety management of hoisting machinery electric hoist equipment employees. Strengthen education and training, improve operators' safety awareness, master safety skills, abide by rules and regulations, strictly abide by safety operation rules and other safety management systems.
2. Strengthen the management of hoisting machinery and equipment. To design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and other links to strictly check, timely eliminate hidden dangers, ensure the intrinsic safety of equipment, through technical means, improve the degree of intrinsic safety of equipment; If the equipment body meets the safety technical requirements, the safety accessories shall be complete and effective. In view of the late operation and overload operation of some hoisting equipment, some safety facilities are not designed and constructed at the same time with the main equipment, and put into use at the same time, the leadership and management departments at all levels should pay great attention to the necessary funds to implement the rectification as soon as possible, before the rectification should take effective monitoring measures.
3. Strengthen the safety management of hoisting equipment. According to the characteristics of hoisting machinery, make detailed safety rules and regulations, management system, ledger to complete. Responsibility should be exercised, and the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible" and "who USES, who is responsible" should be embodied. Functional departments should implement management measures according to the system, to urge workers to strictly implement safety operation procedures and related rules and regulations. For special equipment such as hoisting, professional safety inspection shall be organized regularly to eliminate hidden dangers of equipment, and the problems identified shall be implemented to the responsible units and responsible persons, and a feasible rectification plan shall be provided within a time limit for rectification. Functional departments carry out implementation, feedback and assessment of the rectification.
4. Strengthen the safety management of on-site personnel. The occurrence of accidents is often caused by a fault in a certain link of the operation process, such as inadequate cooperation between the two sides, especially the lack of effective communication between different types of work, confirmation work is not in place and other factors. Process safety management is in the process of production maintenance, based on the process elements of elements (projects, activities, homework), object (work environment, equipment, material, personnel), time and space elements of systems and control, eliminate in the process of operation all kinds of danger and harmful factors, achieve the goal of safe production, the key is to ensure the safety of the operation specification and reasonable. Process confirmation system requires operators to take "judgment, determination and action" as a fixed mode of thinking, that is, to operate according to a certain confirmation method in the process of operation, so as to avoid the occurrence of accidents.

上一篇: Advantages of wire rope sling compared with other sling 下一篇: Working characteristics of hoisting equipment and existing r

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  2. Baoding Dingli Sling Limited Company was founded in the mid-1980s, it's one of the national rigging&lifting industry key enterprises. Our company is located in Donglv Industrial Park in the hinter...




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