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How to choose the specification of lifting belt and the requ

In modern industry, lifting belt is widely used. In many industries, lifting belts are needed to bundle and carry goods. The hoisting belt has good quality, high tensile strength, anti-corrosion and anti electricity. It is a tool widely used in modern industry. Generally speaking, we need to make a good choice of specifications and types before hoisting, and pay attention to the control of hoisting angle during hoisting!
1. How to choose the specification of lifting belt
Lifting belt is generally used for container and cargo binding. However, in advance, the specification of the lifting belt shall be selected for the heavy lifting belt, which shall be calculated according to the size, weight, shape and the matching with the lifting object and lifting belt. Select the lifting belt with enough capacity and proper length to meet the use mode. If more than one lifting belt is required for lifting objects, the same type of lifting belt shall be selected.
2. Use angle of lifting belt
1、 When using the soft lifting lug sling, the minimum length of the lifting lug shall not be less than 3.5 times the maximum thickness of the hook in contact with the lifting lug, and the included angle of the lifting lug shall not be more than 20 °
2、 The lifting belt shall not be crossed, twisted, knotted or screwed in use, and shall be connected with correct special lifting connectors.
3、 The opening angle of the circular lifting belt eye shall not be greater than 20 °, and the ring eye shall not be broken during lifting.
4、 When hoisting pipe objects, the correct hoisting method shall be adopted, and the hoisting angle shall be less than 60.
5、 The contact part of sling and lifting appliance must be continuous, unless the axial width of sling does not exceed 75mm, and the bending radius of lifting accessories must be at least 0.75 times of the axial width of sling.

上一篇: Working characteristics of hoisting equipment and existing r 下一篇: 沒有了

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  2. Baoding Dingli Sling Limited Company was founded in the mid-1980s, it's one of the national rigging&lifting industry key enterprises. Our company is located in Donglv Industrial Park in the hinter...




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